Closing Process
Royalty Buyers USA is committed to making the process simple, fair and fast.
We provide all of the documents for a simple and easy to understand transaction process with no closing costs for you. Should you have any questions along the way, we will gladly explain each step of the transaction. Most transactions close within a few business days (occasionally it does take a little longer). We look forward to working with you.
We make dealing with Royalty Buyers USA LLC very simple. You can call, email, or fax us.
To make an offer on your interests, we need the following information:
- Copy of 1 to 3 most recent royalty statements (or check stubs)
- Legal Description (if available)
- Division Orders (if available)
- Your Name and Contact Information
Once we have this information, we can evaluate the property and provide you with a decision and/or offer within a few days. Once we have verified your interest, we will then forward the necessary paperwork, at no cost to you.
Thank you for visiting our website. Please contact us if you have any questions, or need any additional information.